Cordless Handheld Vacuum

It’s happened to all of us. We grab a box of oatmeal by the lid and within seconds, the bottom tumbles to the floor spilling oats everywhere. A simple way to clean up would be to use a broom and dustpan, yet it doesn’t always completely sweep the powdery residue of oatmeal. Next thought, would be to drag out your upright vacuum cleaner, adjust the setting from carpet level to floor level, plug it in and begin the tedious chore. The problem with upright vacuums is that some types aren’t very maneuverable and getting into corners or underneath your cabinets can be limited.

Your best solution is to use a cordless, handheld vacuum. Not only are they convenient, they are lightweight and easy to use. There are numerous brands of handheld vacuums to choose from and are available at most discount stores, variety stores, department stores, and hardware stores. All are basically designed the same, but some include features that are comparable to others. All are usually battery-powered with a base-unit charger. The following list of types and styles may help you choose which cordless handheld vacuum will best suit your needs.

1. HEPA-filter: These are perfect for people who suffer from allergies, asthma, or respiratory problems. HEPA is an acronym for “high efficiency particulate air” and consist of a dense filter to trap allergens in the air. If you need more filters at any given time, they can be ordered through the manufacturer or some stores may carry replacement filters.

2. Backpack: A little pricier than your conventional cordless handheld vacuum, but they are heavy-duty and used mostly in a professional environment, and is not for home use. The advantage of a cordless backpack vacuum is it will cover hard-to-reach areas and comes equipped with a high-wattage battery that will enable long periods of vacuuming without having to recharge often.

3. Standard: Last but not least, your standard or basic handheld cordless vacuum cleaners offer quick, convenient clean up. Depending on whether you prefer bag or bagless type, the suction from these little gems will allow you to use them practically on anything around your home. They are great for upholstery, drapes, removing dust bunnies and cobwebs. Many people find them handy for vacuuming the interior of their vehicles.

If you are homeowner or a business owner, these types of cordless handheld vacuums are wonderful to use without pulling out a heavy, bulky, upright vacuum cleaner. They are available in many designs, colors and shapes. The prices may vary according to the brand and amenities that some may offer, but you can choose which style you need according to the task on hand. They are perfect for lightweight jobs and quick clean ups.

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